March is poison prevention/awareness month. With spring on the way, the Poison Control website has posted pointers for preventing poisonings from common household items.
Please visit the following website for more information
• Keep household cleaning products in original containers and follow directions for use and disposal
• Allow good ventilation when using chemicals by opening windows or using fans
• Stay away from bug and weed killers that have been sprayed for at least an hour
• Wear protective clothing when spraying
• If you suspect someone has been poisoned, call the Poison helpline and talk with an expert at 1-800-222-1222. They are open 24 hours a day/7 days a week
With the warmer weather on the way, it is a great time to motivate your child to go outside, get fresh air, and exercise. Inspire your child to get fit with 10-minute bursts of activity. Here are ways to put them on the road to getting 60 minutes, or more, of exercise a day.
• Do a routine with jumping jacks, toe touches, knee lifts, squats, and lunges. One person can be the leader, and the other follows his/her moves.
• Take “power walks” around the block or up and down the stairs in your home. Pump your arms as you go.
• Start a skipping contest. You could skip across the backyard, through a nearby field, or down the sidewalks.
•Grab a ball, Frisbee, or beanbag, and play catch outside. Mix things up by catching with both hands, one hand, or over your head. Bonus: Your child will also practice hand-eye coordination.
Have a safe & healthy March everyone!