When engaged in science activities, children will be provided an opportunity to practice critical thinking and problem solving skills in order to test learners' ideas. Children will use the world around them to observe, describe and make predictions based on real life experiences.
When engaged in literacy activities, children practice their early reading, writing, and comprehension skills. Literacy activities help children express ideas, explore their interests, and learn about the world around them. During this time, they make connections to prior knowledge and expand vocabulary, which is the foundation of early reading success.
When engaged in Math activities, children are developing skills such as rote counting, 1-1 correspondence and quantitative and comparative concepts (e.g. more/less/same, longer/shorter, heavy/light, etc.). They also practice their problem-solving skills, fine motor skills and eye-hand coordination by using manipulatives and real life objects/experiences.
When engaged in art activities, children are exposed and encouraged to use and manipulate a wide variety of materials and media. Art integrates developmental areas such as fine motor skills, visual spatial skills, academic concepts in addition to broadening their sensory input experiences.
Social emotional development is the foundation of early childhood education. Through peer/adult interaction, modeling/role-playing and creative/self-expression, children are encouraged to practice key skills needed to be successful in school and beyond. Learning to participate appropriately, share materials, ask for help, follow simple directions/school rules allow the children to access the curriculum and have their needs met. The development of social skills is key to a child’s ability to negotiate their class and school environment and are embedded in all activities throughout the day.
We will be using the Second Step Curriculum to support children’s social emotional growth and development.
Circle/Group Meeting Time
When engaged in Circle/Group Meeting Time, children will be provided an opportunity to work on foundational skills such as: maintaining attention, following directions, waiting/ turn taking, appropriately responding to teachers and peers while at the same time expanding language skills, academic/concepts and social skills.
Learning Centers/Choice Time
When engaged in Learning Centers and Choice Time, children will be provided an opportunity to choose and engage in different areas that support social emotional skills, developmental skills and pre-academic learning. Within the structure of centers, learning-based activities are embedded to reinforce skill development across all developmental domains.
Music and Movement
When engaged in Music and Movement activities, children will be provided an opportunity to develop language, learn, apply musical concepts (loud/soft, high/low, fast/slow) and become familiar with the use of musical instruments. Music is a natural way to integrate language and movement skills.
Building and Constructing
When engaged in Building and Constructing activities, children will be provided an opportunity to learn about basic engineering and architectural concepts. By using their motor skills and problem solving skills, children work together to plan, collaborate and complete their ideas using a variety of building materials.
Gross Motor
When engaged in Gross Motor activities,children will be provided an opportunity to develop and expand their large muscle development, movement and ability to negotiate their physical environment. Movement enhances the development of connections in the brain which activates the child’s ability to learn.
Fine Motor
When engaged in Fine Motor activities, children will be provided an opportunity to engage with a variety of materials and techniques that strengthen the muscles that support fine motor development.
Dramatic Play
When engaged in Dramatic Play activities, children will be provided an opportunity to practice skills needed to negotiate their world at home and at school. It encourages creativity, self-expression, and exposes them to a variety of experiences that may be new to them but a part of their world.